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Adorable Kid Holding Chicken

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  • What is Adaptive Parenting?
    Adaptive Parenting is a framework to help guide you in parenting your child. It was developed out of a need to parent my own child differently due to his particular needs. As my son and I joined in different sports and social groups I realized that the usual parenting advice does not apply to children who have neurological, adaptive, and functional spcial needs. These kids need something very individualized to their complex situaion. Scroll through the blog posts and check out the community forum to get a better understanding of how Adaptive Parenting can support your child and family.
  • How do I post in the Forum?
    Click on the link at the top of the page called "Forum" and take a look through the other posts there. You can ask a questions under a particular topic, or you can just post the question and admin will ensure it gets attached to the best suited topic. Keep checking back to see what responses and comments you get.
  • Why can't I see what I posted in the Forum?
    When you post in the forum it is sent to the Admin to ensure it meets the guidelines for the Forum. Once it is approved it will be posted. Please be patient! It may take several hours to get posted in part because of time differences around the world. Admin might be sleeping!
  • What makes you an expert on parenting?
    Well, the simple answer is, I'm not. I parent a child with special needs and learned that he needs something different to best support his growth. I am an expert on Adaptive Parenting because I created it! I have done ongoing research for the past 9 years to learn everything I can about parenting kids with disabilities and differences, and I have taken what I believe to be the most important pieces to provide you a framework. I also have a Master degree in Social Work and am in clinical practice, which means I do types of counselling with kids. That gives me a good knowledge of the nervous system and how it functions, as well as what works in a therapeutic setting for children.
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